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Adonai Roe Publishing is the publishing vehicle for the ministry of Steven J. Ellis – books that he writes individually or in partnership with other authors. 

Adonai Roe is the English transliteration of the Hebrew, "The Lord is my shepherd."


The lion carries biblical significance. David, as a young shepherd, killed a lion to protect his sheep. David modeled the “good shepherd” which has its ultimate fulfillment in Messiah-Jesus. Jesus said “I am the good shepherd” (Jn 10: 11, 14). 


Not only is Jesus the ultimate "good shepherd," He is the “Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David,” Who is to return as the long-awaited Messiah (Rv 5:5). 


The Christian writer C.S. Lewis leveraged this lion imagery and meaning from the Bible in his “Chronicles of Narnia” when he created the character Aslan. Yeshua-Jesus came as a sacrificial lamb the first time. He will return as a lion.


Adonai Roe, the Lord is my Shepherd, draws from this rich biblical imagery and meaning to obtain inspiration for the books published under its banner.

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